Meet Scooter


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Little Scooter lost mobility in his hind legs in a car accident.

His hind quarters are paralyzed, but his tail has recently regained some mobility. Never doubt a cat's ability to recover. Maybe someday Scooter can walk again. Who knows!

Scooter lives in the Harts Run Veterinary Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His will to live a normal, happy life has touched many clients from the hospital.

Recently, Scooter has received a real scooter donated by several generous clients. Scooter can finally walk again.

Scooter is looking for a forever home because he cannot stay at the hospital forever. If you are interested in adopting Scooter, please call (412) 963-8889.

Even though you may feel sad for me, I don't feel sad for myself.  I get around just fine!  You should see me Z-I-P around the hospital halls!

- Scooter

Check out Scooter walking in his new scooter and playing with a feather:-)

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