A Small Cat with a Brave Heart

A Small Cat with a Brave Heart


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Wendy, a lovely tabby cat may look like a kitten, but she is more than 4 years old.

Wendy grew up with a congenital disease called mega esophagus, which made her unable to eat any solid food. Her growth was affected as a kitten, so she stayed small into adulthood. She cannot eat normally like other cats and needs assistance from her mom during every meal time. It is hard for me to imagine what Wendy has to go through everyday in order to survive, but this little girl has bravery and determination to live a happy life.

Wendy only weighs a few pounds, but she never lets her problem stop her from being a frisky, playful cat that she is.

Wendy is very clever and mischievous. She likes to jump on the stove even when there are things cooking on it. Wendy's mommy, Cristina is always there to make sure that she does not get too close. But it seems that Wendy already knows that.

"She controls what's cooking," says Cristina.

Wendy has a special diet that consists of yogurt, baby food, kitty milk and a few others. She is not able to eat normally and needs her mom's help every time. With Cristina's love and care, Wendy is able to live a healthy and active life.

Many vets have told Cristina that cats like Wendy do not usually live long. It is a miracle  to everyone that Wendy is turning five this August.

We hope Wendy will have many many many more years to celebrate.

Story and photos courtesy of Cristina from Italy.

Don't you just love her big beautiful eyes?

"Am I adorable enough for you?"

Wendy is trying to impersonate the computer mouse

She is curious and loves to play

She is a tough gal and will not back down from her disease

what Wendy has to go through everyday to survive

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