A Sad Kitten Becomes the Happiest Kitty. This is What It Takes!

A Sad Kitten Becomes the Happiest Kitty. This is What It Takes!


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Meet Mittens. This is her journey from start to now. It's amazing how she went from a sad sickly kitten to a happy beautiful lady cat! All it took was a bit of love and a forever home.

"Here is the beginning of mittens and how she became my cat. I picked her up from some locals, and she was in pretty bad shape. After the first vet visit the next day, we found out she had fleas, an upper respiratory infection, and was on the verge of dying," said reddit user Kmac7994 wrote via imager. "Some antibiotics and damp cotton balls to the eyes every couple hours started to clear things up."

"I've always loved cats and had them while I grew up, and I could tell she needed a good home and a lot of help. It killed me financially, as I'm a college student currently, but is all worth it when she greets me with a meow and rubs up against me when I open the door.

I feel like that's the best time to take in an animal, when their luck is down and they just need some caring for. Plus they usually make for the best pets and will never leave your side!"

She started to get better, stronger and more cuddly every day.

She was very small for her age. This is Mittens, the size of a bottle.

She loves to curl up and take naps anytime possible.

Helping with some homework.

Watching TV with her human dad. Her favorite pastime!

Here is Mittens today! She's much healthier, and a very playful and happy cat!

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