bmx biker climbs to save kitten stuck in tree

BMX Biker Climbs to Save Two Kittens Stuck in Tree


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Two little kittens went up a tree and were too frightened to climb back down. When a biker heard their cries, he went to the rescue.

YouTube/Flavius Cristea

"I was going home after a ride with my bike. I heard two little kittens meow for their mom. The only problem was both of them were in a tree around 10 meters tall, and they couldn't get down anymore," Flavius Cristea said.

According to Flavius, he tried to climb the tree without a rope first but it wasn't secure, so he decided to go home to grab climbing gear.

[Scroll down for video]

YouTube/Flavius Cristea

"I just ran home to get a rope and I made my way up to them and saved them," he said.

He retrieved the first kitten and placed the little one in a bag so the kitten wouldn't jump out as he lowered it down to his friend. Once he got the empty bag back from his friend, he went for the second kitten. "It took around 15-20 minutes. I'm not scared of heights," he said.

YouTube/Flavius Cristea

"After that I found a warm home for the (sweeties)," Flavius added.

Watch the full video here:

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