Blind Kitten and Rabbit Find Each Other & Become Best Friends

Blind Kitten and Rabbit Find Each Other & Become Best Friends


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An interspecies friendship started to bloom when a blind rescue kitten met a rabbit at her foster home. The gentle, sweet orphan kitten approached the bunny for companionship one day, and the rest is history.

Willow was found along with her litter mates out the back of a hospital, riddled with disease, "… when I got her she was a tiny little dying runt who hadn't even opened her eyes yet- and when she did open them, they were covered in cysts," said the foster mom via reddit. They weren't sure if the little tabby would make it, but Willow beat the odds.

"My boyfriend got up and fed her every two hours for weeks until she got stronger, and the cysts went down…. but her vision hadn't returned. I'd say she's about 90% blind - she seems to be able to see you if you're standing over her, but she can't follow your finger or a toy with her eyes," she added.

But to Willow, her vision doesn't seem to bother her much. She can sense her whereabouts and play like a happy normal kitty. "She can smell food, and we have quite a small apartment so she knows her way around…. She is a champ with the litter tray, never misses."

Pikacu the rabbit is not into any other kittens they foster, but somehow he has fallen in love with Willow. "…this one is so chill and gentle that he can't resist her fluffy charms."

They are often seen snuggling with each other as if the rabbit ensures the little blind kitty that everything will be all right.

Willow (kitten) and Pikacu (rabbit), snuggles



Willow cuddles with her rabbit friend and foster mom



Best friends



See them in action (video):

Willow will be up for adoption soon. If you are interested in adopting, you can visit the website of Wellington SPCA.

Photos via reddit.

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