Cat Visits High School For 12 Years To Be Honored With Art Show

Cat Visits High School For 12 Years To Be Honored With Art Show


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Simba the 15 year old ginger cat has been going to Westbrook High School in Westbrook Maine every morning at 7AM for more than 12 years. He greets students at the front door, visits the superintendent's office for love and cuddles and roams the halls and classrooms to check things out. Simba is no stranger to the students there. In fact, everyone loves him so much that they have decided to honor him for his loyalty to the school with an art show inspired by his cuddly nature.

According to Steve Minich, Simba will "show up in class and sit on people's text books and just intrude."

No one complains. In fact, they all adore Simba. "Animals are very warm. They're calming. They bring a sense of peace," said superintendent Marc Gousse.

The art show will be featuring portraits of Simba on April 4. "I just see such an emotional connection and real care about this creature. He has such calming effect on all of us," the school added via WMTW.

Simba is not the only cat that has made such impression at a local school. A cat and his duck friend are celebrities at a local University in Mexico.

Simba the 15 year old ginger cat hanging out in the superintendent's office.

He's been visiting Westbrook High school for the past 12 years

Getting cuddles and love

Roaming the halls and checking things out

Watch video:

Source: Yahoo! News.

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