Cat Who Lost Her Own Babies Finds Someone to Love and Care for...

Cat Who Lost Her Own Babies Finds Someone to Love and Care for...


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A cat who lost her own babies, found someone to love and care for at her forever home.

Meet Leche!

The Humane Society of Utah

The sweet kitty came to the Humane Society of Utah after being in labor for quite some time.

"She was surrendered to us pregnant but was not doing well. Our vet determined that she needed a Cesarean," Deann Shepherd, Director of Marketing and Communications of HSU, told Love Meow.

"Unfortunately, all of her babies had passed away inside of her and was causing her illness."

The Humane Society of Utah

Leche received the life-saving surgery and began to recover. One of the staff members took her home to foster, and the resilient feline bounced back through love.

The sweet kitty was extremely affectionate and loving. She had a desire to nurture and care for someone and had so much to give.

The Humane Society of Utah

Once Leche got better and stronger, she was ready for her forever home. That's when a family found her at the HSU and fell in love. Leche's sweet-natured personality melted the hearts of the three children, especially the young boy.

She cuddled up to her new family members and was in pure bliss.

The Humane Society of Utah

Sweet Leche missed her babies but found three little humans to love. She couldn't be happier.

"This picture of Leche in her new home warms our hearts! Looks like she gets a baby to love and care for after all."

The Humane Society of Utah

Leche is one of the 180 rescued animals adopted from The Humane Society of Utah in one week. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow HSU on Facebook.

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Related story: Rescue Cat Mom Hears Orphaned Kittens Cry, She Runs to Them

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