Kitten with Head Tilt Makes Great Strides and Tells Everyone About It

Kitten with Head Tilt Makes Great Strides and Tells Everyone About It


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A kitten with a head tilt was given a second chance at life. She's learning to balance and telling everyone about it.

calico kitten, head tilt, GabbySaving Grace Rescue

Early this week, a 4-week-old kitten was brought to San Jose Animal Care Center after she was found by a Good Samaritan. The little calico was spotted wandering outside with a head tilt.

The shelter reached out to Saving Grace Rescue (a San Fransisco based animal rescue group) as they specialize in care for kittens with special needs.

The palm-sized kitten was a bit confused and lost when she arrived, crying loudly, trying to seek attention and comfort. One of the volunteers placed her hand next to her, and the kitten immediately grabbed it with her paws and cuddled. She seemed so glad to have a warm hand to hold onto.

calico kitten, head tilt, GabbySaving Grace Rescue

They wrapped her up in a soft towel and the kitten instantly relaxed. While they gently petted her on her head, within seconds, the sweet kitten conked out for a long nap.

She slept peacefully in the volunteer's hand and even let out the cutest tiny snores. "She basically passed out once someone held her to calm her down," Amber Rose, founder of Saving Grace Rescue, told Love Meow.

The kitten whom they named Gabby, is an instant love-bug.

calico kitten, sleepingSaving Grace Rescue

The origin of her head tilt is unclear but she is doing well now that she's in great hands. Little Gabby is adjusting and working on perfecting her balance.

Soon after she arrived in foster care, she wanted to explore and didn't let anything slow her down. The brave little girl walked around her new digs with her head tilt, and announced every discovery in her foster room with the loudest meows.

She's making progress, and she's telling everyone about it, loud and proud.

calico kitten, head tilt, GabbySaving Grace Rescue

"Gabby is definitely a talker. She is very social and friendly," Amber shared with Love Meow.

At such a young age, the little calico is already full of cattitude — she's sassy, determined and never shy of voicing her many opinions. After getting some exercise in, she always demands a cuddle session with her foster family. "Gabby is learning to balance with her tilt and loves a healing hand."

Watch Gabby the kitten and her journey in this video:

Kitten with head tilt, foster

The sweet girl is making strides every day while stealing people's hearts with her warrior spirit. Despite still trying to figure out her legs, she is getting a hang of walking with her tilt. She is able to balance much better than when they first got her.

"Hopefully, she will learn to manage her tilt on her own, but if she needs special accommodations in the future, we know a loving home will provide them," Amber told Love Meow.

calico kitten, head tilt, GabbySaving Grace Rescue

The little chatterbox is thriving and growing. She is starting to play with toys and has been pouncing on all sorts of moving things.

Despite a rough beginning, Gabby is happy, playful, and very adventurous. Her personality is emerging and she can't wait to learn to run and climb.

calico kitten, head tilt, GabbySaving Grace Rescue

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Related story: Family Takes in Pint-sized Kitten and Helps Him Thrive

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