Kitten Saved from Typhoon Near Restaurant Now Hangs Out with Patrons Every Day

Kitten Saved from Typhoon Near Restaurant Now Hangs Out with Patrons Every Day


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After two days of searching for a crying kitten during a typhoon in Taiwan, a tiny tabby waddled out from the bushes into her rescuers' arms. She amazed everyone with her strong will to live.

Daniel Young

"This is Gnocchi. I heard her scream on the day when the typhoon hit the hardest, we kept looking for her but couldn't find her until two days later. She's got a super strong will to live," Daniel Young, a chef from Taiwan, told Love Meow.

Young, a cat lover himself, took the little tabby to safety. He and the restaurant staff began caring for her around the clock.

"Feed me meow!"

Daniel Young

During the days that followed, Gnocchi would curl up in her caretaker's lap and start singing the song of purr. She would scamper up to her humans when they came in the door and cry for attention if they walked away.

Their initial plan was to rehome the kitten when she was big enough, but little Gnocchi snatched everyone's heart and even the patrons couldn't resist the cuteness and came to the restaurant so they could spend some time with this sweet kitten.

"We may just have to keep her forever," Young said.

More info on Just Diner

Daniel Young

Little Gnocchi waddling about in her new home!

Daniel Young

Nothing can stop a curious kitten from finding out what her humans are doing.

Daniel Young

Daniel Young

Now she is the supurrvisor at the restaurant and brings a lot of joy and purr to the patrons who come to visit her.

Daniel Young

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