Tortie Cat Makes an Unlikely Little Friend

Tortie Cat Makes an Unlikely Little Friend


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A rescue kitty made an unlikely friend and the two were seen playing together for 20 minutes in the garden.

Paul Mealey from in Westport, Ireland saw his two-year-old rescue cat Lala play in the garden, but what he didn't expect to see was the company she had. His tortie cat was playing with an unlikely friend, a tiny little mouse.

He quickly grabbed his camera and captured this special moment.

"They were playing really happily together in the late summer sunshine," Mealey said.

"At the end the mouse just scampered off and Lala looked really happy that she had made a new friend."

More info: Daily Mail

Here's another cat with his little hamster friend. I don't understand a word of what the commentator said, but the video is surely adorable.

Watch this cute video:

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