Woman Saves Abandoned Kitten from Mobile Home Park While Others Just Pass Him By

Woman Saves Abandoned Kitten from Mobile Home Park While Others Just Pass Him By


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On Thursday, Carmen Weinberg, founder of Animal Friends Project, went to a mobile home park in West Palm Beach, Florida as the place is frequented by stray cats.

When she arrived, she was shocked by what she found.

Carmen Weinberg

"I went to the mobile home park that I had not visited in some time. This little boy was lucky that I went there. He was very cold when the residents pointed him out to me," Carmen shared with Love Meow.

Many people had passed him by and no one stopped to help until Carmen came around. She was not planning to take in any more kittens as her home was already full but she couldn't leave this little one behind.

Carmen scooped him up and took him to her car. "I was able to use a heating pad to warm him up while I drove home."

Carmen Weinberg

The kitten's eyes were crusted shut, and he was emaciated and covered in fleas. Once Carmen got home, she gave the kitten a much-needed bath to remove all the pesky fleas and gently cleaned out the crust off his eyes so he could see again.

"We named this baby Liam. He is now clean, dry, free of fleas and has a full tummy," Carmen said.

Carmen Weinberg

Video: when Liam was found.

They gave Liam a big plush toy to snuggle with and plenty of warm blankets to nap on.

After getting a full belly, little Liam purred himself to sleep on his soft, warm blankets.

Carmen Weinberg

However, Liam was not the only kitten that Carmen had found at the mobile home park. Several other stray cats were also in need of rescue.

Carmen went on Facebook and asked her community for help.

Carmen Weinberg

Many people from the community saw her plea and offered to help TNR (trap-neuter-return), rescue or foster the cats and kittens in need.

In just one day, little Liam really came around. His eyes cleared up and he was eating like a champ.

Carmen Weinberg

"Little Liam is full after this morning feeding," Carmen said.

"He is now 7.2 oz. Yesterday, he was 6.8 oz so I am glad that he is gaining a little weight."

Carmen Weinberg

The sweet little kitten is a purr machine. Despite a rough beginning, he's now on the mend and soaking up the love at his foster home.

That full belly!

Carmen Weinberg

"He is such a little fighter. I am praying he will grow up to be one amazing cat," Carmen added. "I am so in love with this beautiful boy."

Carmen Weinberg

Carmen took a chance on the kitten when others just passed him by.

What a difference one day makes!

Carmen Weinberg

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Liam and all their rescues on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Couple Saved Kitten Sitting on Sidewalk and Went Back to Get Her Siblings While Others Just Passed Them By

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