10 Baby Kittens Rescued from Missouri River

10 Baby Kittens Rescued from Missouri River


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A fisher man found a mysterious trash bag floating on the banks of the Missouri River in Omaha, Nebraska. Not knowing what was inside, the fisherman was about pick it up until the bag started moving, he discovered 10 live kittens inside the bag.

The fisherman soon contacted his wife who called the Animal Rescue Society to come to save the kittens. However, no one knows who the fisherman is. He never left his name for saving the lives of these 10 baby kittens.

One of the rescuers believes that the economy has taken a huge toll on many families. Each kitten costs about $160 for necessary medical work. Some of the families simply cannot afford it. It is important for those people to realize that they can always bring their kittens or cats to the animal shelters because if they cannot take care of them, someone else can.

The 10 precious feline babies are only a couple of months old, and are not available for adoption yet. They are currently doing very well and are being bottle fed by the shelter staffers.



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