Couple Takes Two 21-year-old Bonded Cats Out of Shelter So They Can Spend Their Golden Years in a Loving Home

Couple Takes Two 21-year-old Bonded Cats Out of Shelter So They Can Spend Their Golden Years in a Loving Home


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A couple from San Diego, CA rescued two bonded senior cats from the shelter and gave them a forever home so they could spend their golden years surrounded by love.

Meet Pepa and her sister Meli!

Courtesy: Amanda Smith @Camellia the Cat

21-year-old Pepa and Meli were given up to a local shelter after their owner passed away.

"They are yet another example of what happens when an owner does not have a plan for their pets should something happen to them. It's a story shelters hear time after time," Amanda Smith of Camellia the Cat told Love Meow.

Amanda and her husband previously adopted Camellia, a 16-year-old blind and deaf cat, from West LA Animal Services, so a volunteer there asked the couple if they would share their plea for the two bonded senior cats for help.

When Amanda saw the plea, she felt a knot in her stomach. "A bonded pair of super seniors. I think we all know what the odds are there. To make matters worse, Meli had been moved off the adoption floor due to fearful and aggressive behavior. Being guardian to a previously terrified girl I knew I had to get them both out of there."

It didn't take long for Amanda and her husband to set out on a trip to get the kitties.

Courtesy: Amanda Smith @Camellia the Cat

"After a couple of small hiccups, my husband was on his way to LA, a four hour one way drive, to give them their ride to freedom and a true forever home," Amanda told Love Meow.

"When we adopted them we found that Pepa was emaciated, had severe dental problems, and was severely matted. She is also the most friendly, brave, loving cat I've ever known. Of all the cats I have loved, none has nose booped me at every greeting the way she does.

"She will pop out of her bed when she hears us returning from a trip. We look in from an outdoor window and see her hurrying to the door to greet us."

Pepa and Meli at the shelter before the rescue.Courtesy: Amanda Smith @Camellia the Cat

"Meli is still very scared. She is slowly getting more accustomed to us and is starting to slowly come out when my 9 year old daughter feeds her, but not for anyone else," Amanda told Love Meow.

"Though it's so easy to want instant results, we know that scared cats take time and patience. We are giving her both. Slowly, little by little, we are seeing her begin to become comfortable.

"We will give her all the time she needs. That's what family does."

Out of the shelter, on their way to their forever loving home!Courtesy: Amanda Smith @Camellia the Cat

"Our family is committed to saving senior cats. Loving seniors is not an easy thing to do. We open our hearts and our lives to these cats who we know will leave us sooner rather than later. We commit to loving them during those times all too many owners are turning their backs.

"We clean up their accidents. We feed them 4-6 times a day to accommodate their smaller and some times upset stomachs. We are constantly monitoring their eating, sleeping, breathing, and behavior.

"No matter how long they are in our care, we can say with confidence when the time comes that we have loved them the best we could ever single day they were with us. We gave them a new end to their story. Instead of dying alone, scared, and abandoned in a shelter they pass in a comfortable home surrounded by love."

Pepa eating like a champ at her forever home. "This old girl just filled my heart to over flowing. I am so in love!"

Courtesy: Amanda Smith @Camellia the Cat

"We are honored these beautiful souls bless us with their presence for their twilight years. There is nothing quite like a senior cat.

"The sense of peace, bliss, and content from a single pet is more reward than I ever could have hoped for going in to this. The friendship, irreplaceable. When my husband leaves the Navy we plan on opening a full fledged senior sanctuary. That is our heart. That is my life goal."

Pepa knows she's home!

Courtesy: Amanda Smith @Camellia the Cat


After nearly 3 months, this happened... Meli came out from hiding!

Meli is loving her head scratches.

Share this story and help a senior cat from your local shelter find their forever loving home! Follow Pepa and Meli on Facebook.

Related story: Woman Adopts Senior Cat, Comes Back to Shelter for His Old Friend

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