Adopted Cat Finds His Mini Me

Adopted Cat Finds His Mini Me


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They found a little kitten in their backyard who looks like the mini version of their adopted cat. "We found our new cat's kitten twin in our backyard..Meant to be," reddit user yupiSeddit said.

"We lost our cat of 18 years on Thanksgiving... knew we wanted to save another life and knew there were so many cats around here that needed it.... Samson (on the left) was rescued about 20 miles from where we live a few months ago." He was found with injuries but they adopted him anyway.

Samson (left), and Dennis (right)

Samson is now all healed and settled in with his new family. "Flash forward two weeks ago we are outside, hear crying, move our garbage pail and what do you know... baby samson, 2-3 weeks old, abandoned all alone and scared. We bottle feed him for past couple of weeks. He's all settled in now. They are now officially best friends. We couldn't be happier, and everything was strangely, coincidentally, and insanely meant to be. Samson and Dennis are our two miracle boys." (via)

Update: Dennis is all grow up now :).

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