Alley the Kitty, From Rags to a Loving Home

Alley the Kitty, From Rags to a Loving Home


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A tiny kitten was spotted by Sarina one day in an alley of a busy city when the little kitty's crying caught her attention. "When checking her out, I could only feel her bones. She was very malnutritioned," said Sarina, who couldn't stand seeing the little one out fending by herself, so took her in and named her Alley.

Alley became the 11th cat in their home, "all found on the street, adopted and rescued." Alley was very fragile at first. Sarina became her surrogate mom, feeding her round the clock. It was time consuming and hard work, but seeing little Alley purring aloud and getting stronger, it made all the hard work worthwhile.

"She has made friends with the other 10 cats in the house. She sleeps, eats and plays with all of them. They have also taken her in as one of their own. They clean her up and watch out for her when she is playing. So happy that she has found her new family with us."

Photos courtesy of ©Sarina (flickr: SarinaGito). Little Alley bonded with her doggie friend Bambi who cleans her like a mother:

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