Cat Turns on Touch-lamp with the Nose Boop

Cat Turns on Touch-lamp with the Nose Boop


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The Nose Boop is a greeting that conveys immense trust.

Mizzy the cat is chillin' on a touch lamp, claiming the area. There's one way to turn on/off the lamp - the nose boop!

"I found a new way to turn on my touch lamp," Mizzy's human wrote.

A touch lamp is one that is activated by human touch rather than a flip or pushbutton. When Mizzy crawls onto the table and touches the lamp, the lamp turns on. Every time her human touches her nose, they are toggling the lamp, turning it on and off.

Watch the full video here:

"It's my lamp meow. You must boop my nose to proceed."

The power of the nose boop :)

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