Cat Who Lived a Hard Life on the Street Can’t Stop Thanking Rescuers for Saving Him...

Cat Who Lived a Hard Life on the Street Can’t Stop Thanking Rescuers for Saving Him...


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A ragged ginger cat was saved by good Samaritans and finally got to experience what it is like to be in a safe and warm place after living as a stray for many years.

Meet Bosley!

Dane County Friends of Ferals

When this ginger boy came to the shelter, he was in bad shape. He had been living in a neighborhood on the South Side of Madison for several years. A family started feeding him and became the only people he could depend on.

"Unfortunately, when that family was evicted they left him behind. A neighbor was worried about him and was able to borrow one of our live traps to catch him," said Shannon, Bosley's rescuer, who brought the kitty to the shelter.

On February 20th, Dane County Friends of Ferals (DCFF), a rescue group in Madison, WI, took him in so Bosley could get a chance at a better life.

"Bosley was in need of medical help. He had many wounds and some were fresh. His eyelid was cut and he had many bad teeth," Bonnie Beach of DCFF told Love Meow.

Dane County Friends of Ferals

"Our vet, Dr. Adam, estimated his age at four when he first came in, but now thinks he may be older, maybe eight. It's hard to tell because he's been so beat up from life on the street. But after all that, he still has a soft spot in his heart for we humans."

Sweet Bosley was such a trooper at the clinic. They repaired his eyelid, extracted a few bad teeth, had him neutered, and tended to his other injuries. Some of his fur may never grow back, and his ears still need some extra attention, but the kitty has survived triumphantly.

Dane County Friends of Ferals

He got a lot of tender loving care from the staff at Friends of Ferals. "He seems to appreciate the fact that Dr. Adam saved his life. He's a sweet guy who loves attention and being petted and playing! So many of us at the shelter have fallen in love with him as we've watched him get back on his paws."

When Bonnie went to visit him, he walked over to her and perched on her leg, purring up a storm.

Dane County Friends of Ferals

"This was the first time I was able to pet him! I was so happy to see how much he enjoyed getting his head rubbed! He's had to fight for his life for a long time! Now it's his turn to be loved and spoiled!"

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"He's doing SO much better! He's eating like a horse, his wounds are healing and he's improving every day! We are all very happy with his progress," Bonnie told Love Meow.

Bosley is a big boy - 14 pounds of solid muscle! Now that he's pain free, he is loving all the new toys and fun.

Dane County Friends of Ferals

To help Bosley recover, the affectionate ginger cat has moved to the West Towne Veterinarian Center in Madison where he can play with other kitties at a spacious area called "Bug's Gym".

"They always have room for some of our cats there. It will be a fun place for Bosley to be while he's waiting for his furever home. It's got all kinds of stuff to do - and some nice, soft couches to curl up on, too," Bonnie said.

Dane County Friends of Ferals

"Bosley really deserves the best. This poor guy fought for his life for years before he finally got the care he needed. We sure would like to see him find a place where he can live his life out with love and dignity," Bonnie told Love Meow.

What a difference love can make!

Dane County Friends of Ferals

Share this story with your friends. If you are interested in adopting Bosley or other kitties, click here for more info. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow Friends of Ferals on Facebook.

Related story: Boy Saves Abandoned Cat From Street, the Kitty Returns the Favor

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