Fighting over Cats

Fighting over Cats


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There is a tug of war going on over cats in Camas, Washington. Everett Lackey was literally fighting over a very sick kitten against his neighbors in front of his home.

Lackey has received numerous complaints about the dozens of cats he owns but do not seem to be well taken care of. Many kittens are severely infected with upper respiratory disease where pus is coming out from their nose, eyes are terribly matted and shut. Some of the neighbors have taken a few kittens to a local veterinary clinic, trying to rescue them, but there are still dozens of kittens at Lackey's home that need immediate veterinary care.

Police has sent animal control to Lackey's home, but have not really done anything because apparently Lackey's son is the chief of the police office in Camas. Though the police office rep stated that they do not give any "preferential treatment" to Lackey due to the "status of his son", the neighbors are not convinced. "I pay a lot of taxes every year. Do I just stand by and do absolutely nothing to this gentleman knowing that if I had done the same thing, the same circumstance, I'd be in trouble?"

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