Fluffy Cat Won't Let Her Human Dad Play Video Games Alone. He Finds a Way to Compromise...

Fluffy Cat Won't Let Her Human Dad Play Video Games Alone. He Finds a Way to Compromise...


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Nala the fluffy cat won't let her human Alexander play video games alone. Every time he sits in the couch with his controller or devices, Nala will hop up on his tummy and sit right in front of his face.

Nala: "Pay attention to me meow!"

So Alexander has found a way to compromise.... pretty much Nala gets her way and she slips into her human's arm for snuggles while he plays his games with one much heavier arm, but he doesn't mind at all!

"Our fluffy little creature Nala has a habit of seeking attention when our focus is on the television and not her.

She is a 5 year old cat living in Norway (a mix of Norwegian Forest Cat and Maine Coon)," Alexander wrote.

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