Heroic Cat Saves His Human Sister From Being Bitten by Rattlesnake

Heroic Cat Saves His Human Sister From Being Bitten by Rattlesnake


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An adorable black and white cat from a family in Orlando, Florida saved his human sister from being bitten by a rattlesnake.

Meet Oreo the little hero!

Cyndi Anderson

Oreo has always been very protective of his family. Jaiden Peterson, 10, raised him from a tiny wee kitten to a handsome cat. The sweet kitty became her little guardian angel, watching over her and the entire family.

"It's not just Jaiden that has such a strong bond, although she is the closest. It's the whole family. He seems to watch over everyone in strange, inexplicable ways, including the 11 month old human sister. He seems to be wise beyond his years," Cyndi Anderson, grandmother, told Love Meow.

Oreo has taken the role of the family's guard cat and wouldn't let the kids out of eye shot.

Cyndi Anderson

"He is always within feet of the children and seems to be observing everything," Cyndi added.

"He acts like a dog. He is extremely affectionate and sleeps in the bed with his humans. He has to be close to them at all times and is loyal beyond loyal."

Cyndi Anderson

On November 25, while the children were playing outside, Oreo was closely watching over them as usual. Suddenly, they noticed the kitty acting strangely, and then they saw an eastern diamondback rattlesnake.

The snake had gotten too close for comfort to Jaiden and the kids, and that's when Oreo sprang into action and tried to keep it from encroaching on his best friend. While the kids were retreating back inside their house for safety, Oreo continued to fight off the snake from the family.

Because of his heroic act, the children are safe, but the kitty was bitten on one of his legs and it began to swell.

Cyndi Anderson

He was sent to an animal hospital for emergency treatments. Little Jaiden was very worried about losing her best friend. She stayed by his side, rooting him on.

With water treatment, other wound care, as well as IV antibiotic treatments, sweet Oreo bounced back and his leg was looking better!

Cyndi Anderson

"He is showing determination to heal. He's a trooper. Oreo's condition is getting better and it does appear that his wound is healing — with proper continued care, his leg will be saved," Cyndi said.

Oreo was released to home care, and they've been back to the vet for continued care.

"Sweet Jaiden was asked what she wanted for Christmas this year and she stated that all she wants is things for her kitty to be happy and healthy," Marie Braithwaite, a family friend, told Love Meow.

Cyndi Anderson

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to help Oreo with his medical expenses, a PayPal account has been set up for little Oreo: Pleasesaveoreo@gmail.com

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