Junior Volunteers Learning Valuable Lessons at the Shelter

Junior Volunteers Learning Valuable Lessons at the Shelter


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Many adults back away from volunteering at the shelter because they are unable to tolerate the pain, abuse and loss they have witnessed from the rescued animals. The sadness and anger they have to endure sometimes are too overwhelming for them to bear. Unlike adults, teenagers have a different mentality when it comes to volunteering at the shelter. They do not have the same fears as adults, since they do not fully understand the latitude of what rescued animals have been through. Young kids are becoming more committed to taking care of animals that desperately need a permanent home.

It is hard for children to understand the devastation of euthanasia on adoptable animals and the increasing trend of such practice until they have the opportunity to live it as a person who takes care of the animals. Volunteering not only provides a valuable and educational experience for the youngsters but also a lesson which tells life cannot be taken for granted.

Hundreds of animals are being neglected, abused and abandoned each day. Young kids are learning about what they can do to help and how they can raise the awareness that so many animals nowadays are living in dreaded conditions as a result of their negligent, abusive owners. All these things have conjured the uninhibited love of the children and encouraged the junior volunteers in Cumberland County, North Carolina to strive hard to provide care for the shelter animals.

They could care less about the amount of cat hair on their clothes. Some of the boys are actually quite proud of dirty paw prints and smudges they acquire during play sessions in the exercise pens! - SPCA column - Junior Volunteers learning life cannot be taken for granted

Find a local shelter today and start getting your children involved in volunteering services for the homeless animals. :-)





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