Rescuers Thought They Heard a Bird But Found a Tiny Kitten Alone in Yard

Rescuers Thought They Heard a Bird But Found a Tiny Kitten Alone in Yard


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While rescuers from Alley Cat Rescue were working on a TNR (trap-neuter-return) project in a neighborhood two months ago, they heard the faintest sound coming from the other side of a fence.

They thought it was a bird at first, but when they heard it again, they went to investigate.

Ellen Carozza LVT

"We heard the faintest sound and thought maybe it was a bird. Then the sound came again, but louder and from the other side of the fence," Alley Cat Rescue said. "We walked around, pulled back some branches, and there was this little kitten, all alone."

The kitten was relatively clean but did have a few wounds that needed immediate medical attention. "It can be so hard for kittens born outside to make it, and this one only had a chance because folks decided to get active for cats."

They took him to see a vet later that afternoon and he was named Windsor.

Alley Cat Rescue

"Windsor came to us in need of some specialized help. This poor guy was covered in small abscesses," Ellen Carozza LVT of Nova Cat Clinic said.

The clinic offered to care for little Windsor thanks to their foundation (The Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation). "We take in the small, the critically ill and the helpless and give them a chance they deserve because someone asked us for help," Ellen said.

Ellen Carozza LVT

A few days later, his eyes finally opened.

Ellen Carozza LVT

He was put on treatment and bottle fed round-the-clock. The little guy started to perk up.

Ellen Carozza LVT

Ellen paired him up with other rescued kittens, so he could have someone to cuddle with.

Heathrow a bigger kitty kept Windsor warm and comfy. "He took over as the heating pad for Windsor during the day."

Ellen Carozza LVT

Those whiskers just kept on going.

Ellen Carozza LVT

As he grew bigger and stronger, Windsor went on accomplishing several milestones. He learned to use the litter box, eat from a plate on his own and wrestle with other kittens.

He healed up nicely and was getting very playful and mischievous.

Ellen Carozza LVT

Hanging out with other rescued kittens at the vet.

Ellen Carozza LVT

What a handsome boy he has become.

Ellen Carozza LVT

The little orphaned kitten who was found crying alone in the yard, has blossomed into a gorgeous tuxedo kitty with a big purrsonality.

Ellen Carozza LVT

Follow more rescue/foster kitties at Alley Cat Rescue on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Ellen's rescued kittens on Instagram @thecatlvt.

Watch his rescue journey in this video:

Related story: Man Heard Chirps Under His House, Found Tiniest Furballs and Raised Them into Magnificent Cats

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