Kitten Climbs onto a Balcony Looking for Food, Then Hangs Around by the Door Until Someone Lets Her in

Kitten Climbs onto a Balcony Looking for Food, Then Hangs Around by the Door Until Someone Lets Her in


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A kitten climbed onto a balcony looking for food, and then hung around by the door until someone let her in.

cute curious kittenTypia the kitten@comrescuemontreal

About two weeks ago, Isabelle noticed a blur of fur moving outside her balcony window and was surprised to discover a kitten who had somehow clambered her way up the building.

She was very hungry, scrounging around for something to fill her belly. Isabelle who has cats of her own and volunteers for her local animal rescue, immediately fetched a bowl of food for the little feline visitor.

The kitten scarfed down nearly half of the kibbles. When she was satiated, she curiously peered through the window to watch the resident cats inside.

stray kitten outside doorShe climbed onto a balcony and started looking for food@comrescuemontreal

The kitten was just skin and bones and covered in dirt. She was hanging out on the balcony as if it were her new shelter.

Isabelle carefully opened the door, trying not to spook the kitten. Once she stepped outside, the little one didn't back away or flee. She looked up at Isabelle with her big doe eyes until she was scooped up and brought inside.

stray kitten cat bedShe was so happy to be safe and have a full belly@comrescuemontreal

The kitten was placed in a quiet room with plenty of cat food, fresh water and comfy blankets. "She was very happy to have someone to care for her at last," Celine of Chatons Orphelins Montreal shared with Love Meow.

"Isabelle asked around her neighborhood, hoping to find the owner of the kitten, but no one was looking for her."

stray kitten safe happy@comrescuemontreal

The kitten was named Typia and estimated to be four months old. "Isabelle reached out to us for support to help the kitten, so she could receive the best care and find a good home."

Typia came with a voracious appetite after having been starved for some time. "She was alone outside, wandering the streets as a baby. She went to the right balcony for help."

stray kitten typia cuteShe was all cleaned up and treated for some tummy issues@comrescuemontreal

The kitten was treated for some stomach troubles and got a much-needed spa day. With good food, a safe home and a great deal of TLC, Typia started to put on weight.

At first, she was a bit wary of sudden noises, but quickly came out of her shell and really connected with her foster mom. She felt reassured and loved when she was around her people.

kitten catnip sweet@comrescuemontreal

"She now lives with other kitties in her foster home and wants to be part of their gang," Celine told Love Meow.

"Typia loves to be petted and purrs as soon as we cuddle her. She likes to have her ears scratched, and if she wants more cuddles, she will look at us with pleading eyes."

curious kitten big eyesTypia is very playful, curious and likes to follow her people or kitty friends around the house@comrescuemontreal

The sweet kitten follows her people or the resident cats around the house, so she will always have a companion by her side.

"She is very curious, social and playful, and if we pick up a feather wand toy, she will come running, ready to play."

sweet cat cute kitten@comrescuemontreal

"We often find her sleeping in the sun by the window, next to the head kitty of the household. At night, she comes to cuddle with us on our bed and paws at us whenever she wants attention."

kitten glasses cute@comrescuemontreal

Share this story with your friends. More on Typia the kitten and Chatons Orphelins Montreal on Instagram @comrescuemontreal and Facebook.

Related story: Kitten Comes Running to Traveling Couple and Hops into Their Arms, She Won't Let Them Leave Her

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