Kitten Doesn’t Share Chicken

Kitten Doesn’t Share Chicken


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Before you watch the video, here is a little background information about the cats. There are two cats in the video. The kitten is named Ziggy. He is the baby of the other cat, named Zoraline, a beautiful Bengal cat who was rescued by a shelter in San Francisco. Zoraline has a mild to severe heart murmur. When she was found she also had a rear left leg injury which prohibited her from bending her leg. At the time she was fearful, stressed and very alone.

Her babies were born in the shelter, but only one survived. The shelter was not able to keep them, so they were desperately looking for a foster or permanent home.

Kimberly Jennery, the lovely woman who speaks in the video, has many years of fostering experience. She was called up to help these poor kitties. Without hesitation, Kimberly went to the shelter and brought them home.

Ziggy now has grown much bigger than the day he arrived in Kimberly's home.

In the video, Kimberly is trying to get a piece of chicken for the cat mama, but Ziggy is very possessive with his chicken and wouldn't let go.

"No I don't share! It's MINE!" says Ziggy.

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