Kitten Who Needed a Friend, Helps Another Kitten With Rare Condition

Kitten Who Needed a Friend, Helps Another Kitten With Rare Condition


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A kitten with a rare condition met another kitten who needed a friend. They instantly bonded.

Heather Thomas

A gray kitten was found outside, struggling to walk. Her front legs were splayed out to the sides as she tried to move around. A Good Samaritan scooped her up and reached out to a local rescue in North San Diego County, California, for help.

The director of Love Your Feral Felines, an all-volunteer rescue group, took the kitten in without hesitation. She started treatment for the tabby who was not able to use her front legs at all.

The kitten was diagnosed with Swimmers Syndrome, an uncommon developmental abnormality. After a couple of weeks of intense care, the kitten went home with Heather Thomas and her daughter Keely, both foster volunteers of the rescue, to continue her recovery.

Heather Thomas

They named the kitten Melody. "Her Swimmer Syndrome in her front legs was much less common than most. Usually, it is in the hind legs," Heather told Love Meow.

"We did several weeks of bandages and splinting coupled with daily stretches and physical therapy. My daughter did all of the physical therapy herself."

Heather Thomas

Around the time they got Melody, another kitten named Poco and his sister came to Heather's home after they were found in poor shape. Poco's sister sadly lost her fight.

Poco clung to his foster parents and didn't want to be alone.

Heather Thomas

To assure him that he is loved, the family wrapped him up in a warm blanket and cuddled with him constantly.

When he was nursed back to health, they let him hang out with other kittens. As soon as he and Melody locked eyes, they instantly connected.

Heather Thomas

"Poco is very shy. The two of them are always on the heating pad and blankets together," Heather told Love Meow. "Sometimes, Melody will lay directly on top of Poco. It's adorable."

Poco came out of his shell more each day with his best friend by his side. He would encourage Melody to explore and run around with him — they wrestled and chased each other.

Heather Thomas

"Poco played a huge role in Melody's recovery. He has taught her how to run and play and just be a kitten. They are both little miracle kittens."

Watch Melody and Poco and their journey in this video:

Kittens, Melody and Poco - foster

There are other foster kitties in the house but these two best friends are like two peas in a pod.

"During the day, you can find them laying together passed out. They do not lay with the other kittens, and they do not play with them either. They just like each other!"

Melody and Poco have come a long way and are now ready for their next chapter in life.

Heather Thomas

The rescue hopes to find them a special family with a quiet home and soft flooring. "Melody's fancy foot tends to slip out occasionally on the wood floors, but it doesn't stop her."

Poco has been a tremendous help in Melody's transformation. The tabby girl only plays with him and doesn't slow down when they are together.

Heather Thomas

"We're really proud of her progress and how far she's come. My rescue took a chance on her and now she has her whole life ahead of her," Heather said.

"She can run, pounce, play, and enjoy her life as she should. Melody's recovery is proof that a little compassion can change a life."

Heather Thomas

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Related story: Kitten Found Alone on the Street, Meets Dog and Insists on Being His Friend

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