They Rescue This Kitten Who Was Found All Alone, and Find Him a Friend to Cuddle

They Rescue This Kitten Who Was Found All Alone, and Find Him a Friend to Cuddle


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They rescued a little kitten who was found all alone and knew just the perfect friend to pair him with.

Mini Cat Town

Three weeks ago, Mini Cat Town in San Jose, California was contacted about a kitten needing rescue. "He was found alone outside and brought to a shelter," Thoa Bui of the rescue told Love Meow.

The tuxedo was just a few weeks old and covered in dust. As soon as he was picked up, he started waving his tiny mittens in the air, kneading in pure bliss. The little guy was eager for affection and attention.

"His name is Ralph. When we saw him, we knew he would do better with a sibling."

Mini Cat Town

A few days before his rescue, Mini Cat Town took in another singleton, a tabby named Burberry.

Both kittens were found without a mother, and both needed a friend. Being similar in age, the rescue decided they would be a good fit together.

Laura Malone, a director of Mini Cat Town, welcomed them into her foster home. The family spent ample time with the kittens, showering them with hugs and kisses before they were ready to meet.

Right before they were about to be officially introduced, the tabby girl got ahead of everyone.

Mini Cat Town

Laura woke up that morning finding the two kittens in a nest together.

"I went in to feed Ralph, and I guess Burberry shoved her potato self through the partition for an unapproved visit," Laura said.

Mini Cat Town

Initially, the tuxedo was confused by his new friend who suddenly began following him around. He tried to assess the situation by putting his paw on her face, and the tabby reciprocated the exact same way.

Burberry the more outgoing of the two insisted on playing with Ralph, whether he liked it or not.

Mini Cat Town

She would throw herself at him for a quick wrestling match. After a while, the two were rolling around, play-fighting like two siblings.

Watch the two kitties in this cute video:

Rescued kittens become best

"They were very awkward at first, but now they play and snuggle," Laura told Love Meow.

Mini Cat Town

"Burberry is calm, curious and playful. She's very affectionate," Laura added.

"Ralph is a chatterbox. He communicates vocally when he wants pets, food and also when he's tired of Burberry's playfulness."

Mini Cat Town

When their foster parents aren't available for cuddles, the two kittens always have each other to lean on.

They play, wrestle, chase each other and fall asleep, wrapping their arms around one another.

Mini Cat Town

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Related story: Man Gave Kitten a Home — Now He Wakes Up to a Kitty Cuddling Up to Him Every Day

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