Mariah Carey 20 White Kittens Request Denied

Mariah Carey 20 White Kittens Request Denied


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Flickr: fofurasfelinas

What would you like to have for your ideal holiday party to create that magical moment you always long for? How does having 20 white kittens accompany a winter holiday themed party sound?

Mariah Carey envisioned and requested to have 20 white kittens for a white Christmas party at a Christmas lights switch-on celebration in London. She also asked to have butterfly shaped confetti showering down the stage when she stands on a pink podium holding a magic wand according to this news report.

Mariah Carey wanted the party to be memorable at the UK capital's Westfield Shopping Center, but the organizers declined her request of the white kittens because animals are not allowed inside the shopping center due to health and safety reason. Even though Mariah Carey is a mega celebrity, the managers of the complex decided to give no exception to anyone.

When asked what Mariah Carey thought about if she was too demanding, she said "I guess I am a diva in many ways! When it comes to certain things, yes, I can be difficult and a little bit rigid about what I want. Am I demanding? I don't think I'm demanding enough."

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