Nala the Calico Finds Love and Home

Nala the Calico Finds Love and Home


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Written by Sally, Nala's human mom.

When we first got Nala she was very scared, and wasn't sure how to use her legs. She's been in a cage in the rescue centre with her mum and siblings and had never really run around. It was amazing watching her find out how to jump, run and play! She has certainly got the hang of it now though!

Nala is the cheekiest kitten i've ever met, our two older cats haven't taken to her, but she tries! She doens't pounce on them or anything silly like that, she just follows them around the house waiting for their approval!

She turned 8 weeks old on Monday, and her character is getting bigger and bigger every day. She has just learnt to pounce at our faces! We're all covered in scratches from Nala climbing up us!

We've had to teach her how to eat solids, and she took to it really well. We also litter trained her, and she was very intelligent with that too! When we leave the room she fills the house with her very loud meow. Even the vet said that she certainly has a loud voice for such a tiny baby! She's both adoring and adorable, and when she's not in her playful moods, her cuddles can cure the worst of days. Everything about her is beautiful, and everyone that she comes into contact falls in love with her (Even the allergic cat people that we had stay over for the weekend!)

Thanks ©Sally for sharing Nala's story and photos with us. Meow!

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