No One Thought This Kitten Would Survive But He Proved Them Wrong, Now 6 Months Later...

No One Thought This Kitten Would Survive But He Proved Them Wrong, Now 6 Months Later...


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No one thought this tiny kitten would survive after he was found knocking at death's door, but the scrawny little one proved them wrong with his amazing fight to live.

Meet Yuri the cat!

Courtesy: Max and Roni

The teeny grey kitten was barely alive when he was found along with his sister. "My family found him and his sister in a garbage bin near a sewer, they were about two weeks old," Max told Love Meow.

The feline brother was covered in dirt and fleas and was so emaciated that no one thought he would make it through the night but Max refused to give up without giving him a fighting chance. His parents gave the feline sister a home while Max took the brother to his abode in hopes to nurse him back to health.

"It was very obvious that he wanted to keep going. His life was full of a lot of turns for the worse but he somehow had the will to live."

Yuri had a severe case of cat flu. After he was given a much-needed bath, they kept him warm, filled his empty belly with food, and surrounded him with love.

Courtesy: Max and Roni

Several trips to the vet later, Max and his girlfriend (Roni) received some discouraging news. "The vet said his eyes wouldn't be able to recover because he wouldn't survive."

They were told that if miraculously the kitten did pull it, they would have to get in a strict regimen to clean his eyes day and night with warm water and anti-biotic cream. It would be an arduous task, but the couple gladly took on the challenge as long as the little buddy had a chance to live.

Courtesy: Max and Roni

Every three hours, they cleansed the kitten around the eyes and administrated medication as instructed. They changed his blankets and hot water bottles to keep him warm at all times.

"My girlfriend had to take him to work every day for two months. Thinking back we had a lot of heart breaking moments when we were sure that he wouldn't make it. We didn't know much of taking care of kittens but we did our best," Max told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Max and Roni

And little Yuri was not giving up either. He was so thankful for every treatment and would purr up a storm even though it wasn't easy for the little guy.

It was as if he knew that they were trying to save his life, and their love brought him hope and fuel to keep on fighting.

Courtesy: Max and Roni

Eventually one of his eyes began to heal but the other couldn't be saved. When he was big enough, he had surgery to fix his eye socket. Since then he looked better with each passing day.

Little Yuri now has a permanent wink on his face, and his personality shines through.

Courtesy: Max and Roni

Yuri inspecting a little robot in the house that goes around making noises.

The kitty is so brave and curious.

Courtesy: Max and Roni

Yuri lost one eye but gained a new life!

Six months after the rescue... look what a handsome fella he's become!

Courtesy: Max and Roni

Yuri now has a loving home with his human parents and furry siblings both feline and canine.

Courtesy: Max and Roni

"We had a lot of reasons to believe he wouldn't make it, he did not look like a living being for most of his life," Max told Love Meow.

"Buthe proved us wrong. He knew we were doing our best to save him so he did his best to fight to live."

Courtesy: Max and Roni

What a second chance can do! Share this story with your friends.

Related story: Woman Hugs Cat No One Would Touch, the Kitty So Happy He Thanks Her with the Sweetest Meow

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