Nurse Turns House Into Sanctuary For Old, Sick Cats In Peru

Nurse Turns House Into Sanctuary For Old, Sick Cats In Peru


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A woman from Peru has turned her two-story house into a sanctuary for sick and old cats. She treats 175 cats for feline leukemia and keeps them warm in little jumpers when it gets chilly.

Maria Torero, 45, of Lima, Peru, has turned her eight-room house into a cat hospice and spends $1,785 a month on their care according to Daily Mail.

She has built bunk beds for the kitties and are sharing all the furniture in the house with the cats, and her three children.

"I’m a nurse. My duty is to the cats that nobody cares about. People don’t adopt adult cats, especially if they are terminally ill."

Many street cats she finds in Lima’s streets are sick, flea ridden and malnourished. She takes in adult cats to avoid spreading of the disease to new generations. She gives them medicine, sterilizes them and treats them for parasites.

All the cats are given names and when it gets cold, she gives them little jumpers to keep them warm. She said "each cat has a distinct personality."

"My best gift of love and respect I give them in life," she added.

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Maria Torero of Lima, Peru, has turned her two-story house into a sanctuary for sick and old cats.

She treats 175 cats for feline leukemia and keeps them warm in little jumpers when it gets chilly.

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"I’m a nurse. My duty is to the cats that nobody cares about. People don’t adopt adult cats, especially if they are terminally ill."

She said "each cat has a distinct personality."

"My best gift of love and respect I give them in life."

Source: Daily Mail.

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