Peaches and Misty Two Furry Sisters

Peaches and Misty Two Furry Sisters


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In July 2007, two tiny homeless kittens at 8 weeks old were brought to a new home. "The one with one white ear, one black ear, and one white-tipped tail is Misty, and the one with two white ears and al all-black tail is Peaches."

The two sisters were a bit shy on the first day, but it didn't take long for them to come out of their shell. Peaches loves to guard the laptop by sitting on it or next to it. "She has taken to sitting on my iBook. It seems to be her favorite spot now - whenever I lift her off, she jumps right back on...," written on their flickr site.

"The kittens are so extremely playful, I decided to get them a little playhouse. It's about a metre high, and currently sitting in my upstairs hallway. They absolutely love it, and are playing on it all the time. Plus, Misty loves sleeping in the top house, and Peaches loves sleeping in the bottom tunnel," their mom wrote.

"Peaches has a habit of putting her front paws in the bowl when she eats - don't ask me why, Misty doesn't do it! Maybe because she's still smaller...but anyway, this then requires a full cleaning every time she's eaten. CUTE!"

"They are the cutest ever, and the best companions I could wish for, working from home. They make me laugh and add to my life in a tremendous way. Love them with all my heart."

Photos courtesy of Still Burning (Peaches and Misty's new sister Coco)

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