Review - Breeze Litter System

Review - Breeze Litter System


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I have two Breeze litter systems for my three cats. They have been great especially with eliminating odor and keeping the litter to last longer.

Very Good Product - removes odor, easy to use, less work

The coolest thing about this system is it separates the urine from the litter. The way the system is designed allows the cat's urine to pass through the litter pellets into the super absorbent pad underneath. The pad is placed in a tray which can be rotated 180 degrees, so you can use the pad more thoroughly even though your cat tends to go in the same spot.

Since number 1 and number 2 are well separated, it is very easy to clean up after your cat finishes number 2. You can simply use the scoop that comes with the system to remove the elimination.

The two-level design minimizes odor from the urine because the pad absorbes and traps it in fairly well. We clean their

number 2 every day right after they go, so the litter pellets can last for a while without getting dirty. Also, you do not need as much litter as what other litter systems may require because having a sparse amount of litter pellets allow the urine to pass through.

The system is extremely easy to clean. Since all the urine gets into the pad, all  you need to do is dump the tray into the trash and replace the pad with a new one. You should always disinfect your litter boxes every so often, no matter what system you choose for your cats.

There is no tracking with the breeze litter pellets, but they do not absorb odor. The pads do. It will not smell if you remove the solid waste often enough.

Very pricey - use alternative litter pellets

The litter pellets and pads are quite pricey. Each pack of pads is priced at $4.99 - $5.99 with only 4 pads. Since I have 3 cats, they use about 2 pads per week.

A bag of pellets can last about one month for one system. The price of it is around 8 - 9 dollars. However, you do not

have to purchase the same litter since there are many similar ones out there for much lower prices. You can use Yesterday's News Litter or ExquisiCat Recycled Paper. They work about the same except they are not as fancy looking as the Breeze litter pellets.

Overall, I do not think I will switch to another litter system. Even though I have to pay extra for the pads, it is still worth it. My cats love how it keeps the odor away from the litter. I like how easy it is to change the pads without touching them.

The recommended number of systems for a multi-cat household is three systems for two cats, but I think two systems are adequate for two cats and two to three systems are good for three cats. If you have a large house, three boxes may be a better choice for three cats.

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