Shy Cat Comes To Family’s Backyard, Nervously Trying to Get Help…

Shy Cat Comes To Family’s Backyard, Nervously Trying to Get Help…


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A tabby cat wandered into a family's backyard a few weeks ago and was spotted by their three year old cat. The little stray was very shy but eager to be loved.

Meet Maple!


On November 17, a family's cat found a stray outside their house, rummaging for scraps. Their cat's reaction alerted them, and when they tried to approach the kitty, she would run away.

"We live in a new development and don't have a back fence yet, she could have come from anywhere," reddit user RavenPuffFTW said.

They posted photos of the kitty online and around the neighborhood but no one came forward to claim her.


"We couldn't tell if she was a kitten or just petite. At this point we couldn't tell if she was a boy or girl because she wouldn't let us near her to pet her."

The kitty was very hungry and would scarf down all the food they put outside for her. "She was obviously starved for attention and food but would dart away the second we cracked the door open."


After a few weeks of feeding, slowly but surely, the kitty began to trust. "It took us until Sunday early afternoon for her to trust me enough for me to gently grab her and get her in a carrier."

The couple managed to get the sweet tabby inside a safe, warm home at last. Maple snuggled up to her rescuer, purring up a storm.


Their 9-year-old cat was not a fan of the newcomer, but the husband's coworker, who has a lot of experience caring for animals, offered to give her a forever home.

"She settled right in with her five new humans, three new kitty siblings and one pupper. Husband's coworker took her to the vet the next day to get checked out, no chip, not spayed, took a blood sample to test for FIV," RavenPuffFTW said.


Everything went well at the vet. However, Maple will have to wait a while before her spay surgery -- she is pregnant. Fortunately, her new family has cared for newborn kittens, and Maple and her fur babies are in good hands.

Perhaps, Maple knew that she needed a hand to raise her babies and came to the purrfect family for help.


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Related story: Stray Mama Cat Leads Woman to Save Her Kitten Trapped In Storm Drain

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