Man Cuddled Stray Kitten All Night So She Wouldn't Be Alone on Father's Day..

Man Cuddled Stray Kitten All Night So She Wouldn't Be Alone on Father's Day..


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A tiny motherless kitten was found wandering the streets in Lakeland, Florida all alone.

Not only did kindness save her life but the tiny furball spent her first Father's Day with someone she loves.


A little bitty stray kitten was spotted the night right around Father's Day. The kitten was scared and trying to look for a place to hide.

Officer Cardin of the Lakeland Police Department (LPD) was on his night shift when he found the homeless kitten hiding at the base of a lamppost.

"It was early in the shift so he brought her in, outfitted a records box and put her safely inside the kennel at the station," LakelandPD said on Facebook.


When the kitten settled into her new nesting area she caught the eye and heart of Sgt. Wallace.

"He didn't want her to be alone all night, so he scooped her up and kept her with him throughout the shift."


"She seemed to take to her new role as partner to Sgt Wallace, however, she did fall asleep her first night on the job."


The tiny bundle of joy snuggled her way into Sgt. Wallace's heart.

The kitten stared into his eyes while purring up a storm. She didn't want to go anywhere but to cuddle with her human.


Sgt. Wallace was smitten with his feline buddy and named her Kelsey.

"She now has a new home with her partner Sgt. Wallace. Congratulations to little feline officer Kelsey on her new loving home."


Kelsey is now settled into her new home with Sgt. Wallace, her forever human.

She couldn't be happier!

Sgt Wallace

Cats choose their humans!

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Related story: The Joy When This Guy is Chosen by a Tiny Kitten

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