Stray Kitten Waits Outside Building For Person She Chose and Won't Let Him Go..

Stray Kitten Waits Outside Building For Person She Chose and Won't Let Him Go..


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A little stray kitten scampered up to a man after he just finished his shift at work. She followed him around and insisted to tag along.

"You don't choose the cat, the cat chooses you!"


When the guy was trying to get in his car, he was surprised to see a little ball of fluff sprinting up to him. The kitty was really excited to see him.

It was very cold that night, so he took her inside the building, grabbed a box and turned it into a temporary carrier. The kitten hopped right in as if she was ready to go home with him.

"I've never met such a cuddly cat. I knew that once she ran up to me, I wanted to keep her," imgur user PotatoWasteland told Love Meow.


"I took the precautions of taking her to the shelter the next day just in case she was someone's cat." On their way to the shelter, the little kitten fell asleep in his lap purring aloud.

The shelter couldn't find a microchip and believed the kitten was most likely a stray. "She doesn't weigh two pounds quite yet, the shelter let me keep her as a foster kitty (until she is ready for adoption). I've decided her name is going to be Biscuit."


No one came forward to claim her when she was in the shelter. "I have received no contact about the cat since I took her in as a foster," he told Love Meow.

"I'll be taking her back in a week or so for her to be spayed, have another vaccination, and if she does meet the weight requirement, I can officially adopt her!"


The sunbeam quickly became her favorite spot.

The kitten was outside the building that day waiting for the right person to rescue her.

"I didn't choose the kitty life. The kitty life chose me."


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Related story: Stray Kitten Found on Pipeline, Snuggles With His Rescuer And Asks Him To Be His Human

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