Teamwork Save Tiny Kitten Trapped In Pipe

Teamwork Save Tiny Kitten Trapped In Pipe


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Two men heard cries from a kitty when they were walking by the Wendy's on Saturday morning. They traced the source of the crying all the way from a pipe next to a utility pipe. They could hear the kitty, but were not able to see it, so they contacted SpokAnimal for help.

When the officers arrived, they inserted a rope down the pipe, hoping it would give the kitty something to grab on, but it didn't work.

The power pole was positioned next to the pipe, so they called in Avista to assist them in their rescue effort. They used a wire with a loop at the end and dropped it down the pipe. With a lot of patience, a little black kitten was safely pulled out of the pipe by an Avista employee.

The kitten is about six weeks old and estimated to have been trapped in the pipe since the night before according to SpokAnimal. The little one is now in good hands, and will be available for adoption through SpokAnimal once she is given the medical clearance.

Officers from SpokAnimal and Avista employees work together to rescue a tiny kitten trapped in a pipe

Rescue success!

Kitty met the two men that heard her cries and contacted help to get her out of the pipe.

Full story at khq.

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