These Three Kittens Never Had a Dad Until They Met a Golden Retriever Dog

These Three Kittens Never Had a Dad Until They Met a Golden Retriever Dog


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Meet Everest, Taylor and Dash, a ginger and two torties who never knew what it was like to have a father until they met a big Golden Retriever Dog.

[Scroll down for videos]

This is when they first met. The kittens weren't so sure about this fluffy big guy. They stayed in the basket while the Goldie gave them some gentle sniffs. Right away, he took to the kittens and decided he would protect them.

While the kittens were in their nursery pen, their new dad was watching over them attentively.

Quickly they bonded. This is Everest standing on his foster dad's shoulder for a higher view.

WATCH VIDEO: Tiny tortie kitten Dash falls asleep tucked away in the doggie's fur

WATCH VIDEO: Taylor snuggling with her Golden Retrieve foster dad

WATCH VIDEO: It's a snuggle fest! So much love!

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