This May Just Be the Sweetest Surprise

This May Just Be the Sweetest Surprise


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This may just be the sweetest surprise!

After losing two beloved senior cats, Brooklyn begged for a kitten for her birthday. Her parents initially told her no. However, her mom works in a veterinary hospital and attended an emergency C section on a Persian cat. She had 6 kittens but over the course of a week all but two had passed away. Of the two kittens left, one was a little boy with a weak heart.

[Scroll down for video]

It just so happened that Brooklyns' mom knew the best possible home for this little special needs kitty. On Brooklyns' 6th birthday, the kitten was 8 weeks old and ready to meet his new mother.

"I can't believe my eyes!" Brooklyn said when she was holding the kitten in her arms.

Watch this cute video:

Update: Brooklyns' love and care has helped seal the hole in the kitty's heart and he is all grown up now, happy and healthy!

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