Thousands of Kittens and Cats Need Help Daily

Thousands of Kittens and Cats Need Help Daily


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I opened up my Google News page, decided to make a simple search on 2 terms: cats and kittens, to see what I will get. The search results were daunting and heart breaking.

Within 2 days, the media managed to generate so many news stories regarding abandoned kittens, shelter overcrowding, cats/kittens were rescued from terrible living condition, shelters reaching their capacity, etc. It seems like the same stories every day but happening over and over in different parts of the world.

The message is loud and clear, our fluffy feline creatures desperately need a home and a chance for survival. All these stories have confirmed the importance of spaying and neutering stray and feral cats before any more innocent kittens end up struggling for their life.

Here are a selective few news stories I found today:

Firefighters Rescue Kittens From Basement Wall

Humane Society aids Sun Valley family overwhelmed with 40 cats, kittens

Kitten season flooding Animal Services with unwanted felines

Orphaned kittens need home

Shelters overflowing with cats, some taking action


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