Tiny 10-Day-Old Tabby Kitten Rescued by Dog

Tiny 10-Day-Old Tabby Kitten Rescued by Dog


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A tiny 10-day-old tabby was rescued by a dog when he and his owner were out for a walk.

It happened on June 11. Kaori was walking her dog in the afternoon as usual but all of a sudden, her dog stopped moving and started sniffing around. He found a very tiny and sick kitten that barely had enough strength to cry for help. "This is how we met Saturn. He was a tiny little thing," said Kaori.

They looked around for the cat mother, but after a while of searching, there was no sign of her. Kaori decided to take the little kitten to the vet right away, afraid that he might not make it if waiting any longer.

According to the vet, Saturn was malnourished and dehydrated. He had a cold, an infected eye and fleas. He was very close to using up his 9th life, but thankfully, he got a second chance.

They brought him home and immediately the dog took to the little kitten like a mother that he never had. Kaori cleaned him up and treated him with lots of love and care. As time went by, Saturn started to regain energy and explore around his new home. He even climbed on Kaori's lap for that extra dose of TLC.

On the day of his rescue

Getting cleaned up

"Thank you for saving me!"

Saturn and his dog who rescued him


First day home:

Photos by Kaori.

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