The Joy When They Got This 1-Pound Kitten Out from Underground

The Joy When They Got This 1-Pound Kitten Out from Underground


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After three days of rescue efforts, a tiny 5-week-old kitten was pulled out to safety from a manhole and into the loving arms of her rescuer.

Meet this tiny 1-pounder.

Photo: Arizona Humane Society

A kitten found herself trapped underground, unable to get out. She started meowing for her mom, and that was when a good Samaritan heard the cry and alerted Arizona Humane Society (AHS, Phoenix, AZ) for help.

When the rescuers came, the kitten didn't make any sound until the next day. They worked tirelessly trying to figure out a way to reach the kitten. Finally on Sunday, they gained access to the cat through a manhole in the middle of the road.

Photo: Arizona Humane Society

The rescue team lowered food to the kitten as they tried to locate her with a snake cam. When they saw the kitten alive and well, they were relieved and quickly put together a rig to retrieve the cat.

The rescuers used a long pole connected to a net covered in cat food to safely capture the kitten. It worked "like a charm."

Tera was transported to AHS' Second Chance Animal Trauma Hospital where she was checked out by a vet.

She's all cleaned up and fluffy!

Photo: Arizona Humane Society

The tiny one-pound kitten received a clean bill of health and headed off to foster care. When little Tera is big enough, she will be put up for adoption.

"Kelley has since been fostering Tera for weight gain and Tera has quickly made best friends with AHS alumni, Nancy," AHS said in an update on Facebook.

Photo: Arizona Humane Society

Nancy is a very sweet foster mom to her little feline baby. Tera snuggles up to her when it's time for a nap.

Photo: Arizona Humane Society

The little storm-drain kitten is now sleeping comfortably at her foster home, purring up a storm.

Photo: Arizona Humane Society

Full story in the video:

You can follow Tera's updates on Arizona Humane Society's Facebook page.

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