Tiny Roadside Rescue Kitten Nina: Journey to Forever Home

Tiny Roadside Rescue Kitten Nina: Journey to Forever Home


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Little Nina was 5 weeks old when they found her on the side of the road. It's amazing what a little food, warmth and love can accomplish.

"We found her on the side of the road in Cleveland Ohio, covered in mud and getting splashed by cars. I picked her up with intentions of nursing her back to health. The vet was kind enough to give me a free exam, which was enough to tell me that she has a severe upper respiratory infection and extreme malnutrition. Her eyes were glued shut with yellow gunk when I found her. And the vet told me that she thought she was about 5 weeks old, but was the size of a 3 week old kitten," said Nina's rescue mom. (Instagram)

They managed to raise enough fund to pay for Little Nina's medical bills. Today, Nina's grown into a beautiful kitty cat. It's amazing how far she's come!

They found little Nina on the side of the road. She was 5 weeks old, but was the size of a 3 week old kitten.

Less than 16 hours in her new home. It's amazing what a little food, warmth and love can accomplish.

Taking a nap with her new mom.

Getting all the motherly love she needs.

"I love these dishes! They have a place for me to sit while I eat!"

Nina found a place to snuggle with her mom while she is working in her studio.

When she found out how wonderful sun spots can be...

Her mom made her a cardboard house to play in. She loved it!

Nina is smiling in her sleep.

Look at that face! It's amazing how far she's come.

Nina's first Christmas. It will be many to come!

Follow Nina on Instagram.

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