Where do Your Cats Sleep

Where do Your Cats Sleep


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We got 2 new cat beds. One is a lovely Kitty Willow Bed made of hand woven natural willow branches. It goes well with family decor and comes with a  comfy cushion inside.

It was on sale at Petsmart the other day, so we had to get it. We were crossing our fingers that our cats would like it. Guess what? Here is their verdict:

The other bed we got is from Whisker City, a tray like bed with 3 raised red edges, cozy, velvety like nude-colored inner cover. It feels luxurious when you touch it. Do the cats like it? Check out what Jackie thinks:

Our cat, Shadow is not a big fan of cat beds because he likes human beds or the carpet better. Here is a picture of him lounging on the floor, stretched out completely relaxed.

Edited: Just found out that Shadow likes both beds, probably more than how much the other 2 do :-). I am pleasantly surprised.

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