Would You Be Willing to Go Mouth-to-Muzzle to Save Cats?

Would You Be Willing to Go Mouth-to-Muzzle to Save Cats?


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Associated Press and Petside.com conducted a poll with 1,166 pet owners to see how far pet owners will go for any unexpected and urgent situations. Read full story, click here.

The results are very interesting:

How many cat owners will be willing to perform CPR on their pets?

  • 53% of cat owners and 63% of dog owners - at least somewhat likely to perform CPR
  • 65% of women as oppose to 50% of men say they'd be more likely to perform CPR
  • 54% have no plan for a fire evacuation for their pets
  • 41% have had at least one emergency trip to the vet
  • 22% of cat owners and 30% of dog owners at least sometimes give them bones from table scraps
  • 20% of pet owners have a first aid kit at home
  • 16% of pet owners have pets that have had some type of allergic reactions
  • 7% have pets that have consumed poisonous things

Firefighter Performs CPR on Cat:

Here is a story covered by Centeral Florida News in 2007 on a firefighter performing CPR, trying to resusitate a cat. Click here to watch the report on this story.

How to Perform CPR on a Cat:


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