Adventurous Hiking Cat Takes His Humans on a Journey They Never Expected

Adventurous Hiking Cat Takes His Humans on a Journey They Never Expected


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This kitty found his humans at the shelter and took them on a journey that they never expected. Paddington or Paddy the cat is an adventurous spirit and loves nothing more than hiking and venturing in the outdoors with his favorite humans in the world.

Paddy found Bryan and Anna Wilson at the Seattle Humane Society last year in July. "We weren't looking to adopt a cat but when we saw Paddy, we knew we had to meet him! Only two months old, what initially captured us about him was his dapper tuxedo and cute black dot on his nose," Wilson told Love Meow.

Since they took Paddy home, he had been an indoor cat, but soon they noticed how much Paddy wanted to be out playing with them. "We knew Paddy loved the outdoors as soon as we brought him to our backyard!" Wilson added. Follow Paddy on Facebook or Instagram.

"He was fearless, running around and playing with all the things he could find in nature. Now he meows at the door, begging to be let out! It's obvious that he loves outdoor adventures."

They took him to Cougar Mountain and the rest is history.

"He surprised us by being able to keep decent pace and stay on the trail... for the most part, unless he sees a chipmunk."

Watch this video:

Paddy enjoys meeting other trail goers, even canine friends. He is very friendly and likes to follow other hiders and even tries to pass them.

"We consider our cats our children... we have a very close and loving bond! I look forward to seeing him when I get home from work to give him a big hug and lots of pets."

Paddy loves his human parents.

Watch video: Paddy is in a hole digging contest with his dad

When Paddy needs a break, he gets a ride in daddy's backpack.

Watch this cute video: Who needs cat toys when you can play with tree branches.

Paddy surveying the mountain on his new kitty post.

"Paddy has really enriched our lives. We love cats and it has been so much fun sharing his adventurous life with others. Having Paddy join us in our own hobbies has been amazing for all of us," Wilson said.

Watch video: Paddy thanks his dad for the fun day with some kisses.

A video posted by Paddy the Cat (@pnwcathikes) on Jun 15, 2015 at 12:56pm PDT

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