After 12 Years in Shelter, Cat Finally Found Her Forever Human

After 12 Years in Shelter, Cat Finally Found Her Forever Human


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After 12 long years living in the shelter, tabby cat Momma finally found her human and now has a place to call her forever loving home.

Momma the tabby has lived in the shelter for 12 years since she was 3 months old.

by Patrick Campbell Priest

Patrick Campbell Priest started working at the Worcester County Humane Society a month and half ago. "I want to take them all home with me but that’s not very practical, so I bring myself to them," he said to delmarvanow. "They need someone to take care of them."

It didn't come as a surprise to the shelter that he was also looking to adopt a cat after losing his family pets due to old age last year.

There are more than 150 cats there, but Patrick knew exactly what he wanted.

by Patrick Campbell Priest

27 out of the 150 cats at the Worcester County Humane Society have stayed there for more than four years. "We have so many cats," said Lenore Bennett, interim executive director of the humane society. "It’s kind of overwhelming when people come in to pick the right cat."

Patrick decided to adopt Momma the cat who had stayed in the shelter for 12 long years.

from Worcester County Humane Society

But that was not a problem to Patrick who asked the staff which cat had stayed there the longest. They took him to Momma, who had been there since she was 3 months old.

"We all love her, but we want her to have a home," Bennett said.

Momma at her new home at last!

by Patrick Campbell Priest

"I just think they deserve a home at some point in their life," Priest said. "As well as we try to treat them here, it's still not the same as having the individual attention and the love they get in a home."

Despite her age, Momma has perks of her own. "She walked in there like she owned the place and she'd been there her whole life," he added.

Momma watching her new cat TV!

by Patrick Campbell Priest

"Every time I see her, she looks at me and she starts purring," he said. "She's grateful to be in a home, but I'm grateful to have her because she brings me a lot of joy."

She has not stopped purring since she arrived in her new home. She is so happy.

by Patrick Campbell Priest

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