Campers Surprised to See Scrawny Kitten Running Up to Them Crying for Love...

Campers Surprised to See Scrawny Kitten Running Up to Them Crying for Love...


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A motherless kitten ran up to a family meowing for help while they were out camping.

They couldn't leave him there.


A family was out camping at the lake when they spotted a little stray kitten running up to their truck crying.

"We walked towards him and found him in the road crying. I picked him up and could feel almost all his bones. His hip bones stick far out from him not eating," imgur user rnhed told Love Meow.

"The moment I picked him up he started to purr." The kitten was so happy to have found someone that he kept his purr motor running all the way home.

They gave him a bath and a can of cat food. He was so hungry that he scarfed it down.


"We laid food out for four days in hopes that the mother would come back. She never did and as small as he was, we could tell that he hadn't eaten."

For the first time, the kitty got a full belly. After eating, he hopped on his rescuer's shoulders and decided to take a nap there.


They call him Fancy, named from the Reba song.

"We took him in and got all his shots before introducing him to our other cats," Fancy's human told Love Meow.


Miss Hellen, who is a rescued farm cat, took to the little orphaned kitten as her own.

"When she saw him she saw a kitten that needed help and a mama."


Now Fancy has a new mom to cuddle with, a warm home and a family that loves him to bits.

"When we found him, he was starving and we could feel almost all his bones. Now he will be treated like a king."


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Related story: Stray Cat Brings Her Babies to Campers who Gave Her Food

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