Cat Adopts Duckling After It's Abandoned By Mother

Cat Adopts Duckling After It's Abandoned By Mother


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A cat who has a litter of kittens of her own, adopted an orphaned duckling after it was abandoned by its own mother at birth. Tosia the cat found the little duckling and brought it home.

"Tosia came walking into the kitchen one day with something in her mouth," said the human Ryszard Andrzejczuk.

"At first I thought it was a mouse or something, but then she placed it on the ground and I saw it was a little duckling."

Since that day, the cat and the baby duck have become completely inseparable. Even Tosia's kittens have welcomed the little bird into their family.

They share their bowl of water and snuggle together during naps.

Tosia the cat adopted a duckling after it was abandoned by its mother

Source: Metro.

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