Cat Adopts Orphan Lamb

Cat Adopts Orphan Lamb


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Sox the cat has a soft spot for the needy ones. He adopted a little orphan lamb that was saved by the family. They spent the first month together in the house. Sox became his surrogate dad.

"Sox is a pretty big cat, but this lamb was the smallest we've had. He was one of triplets and wasn't expected to survive. He lived in the sitting room for the first month of his life. After Sox adopted him, he became party of the family, he's out in the field as we speak," kezzymac of reddit wrote.

When asked if the lamb thinks he is related to the cat now, they said: "every so often I'll see the two of them conversing in the field. Probably talking about old times."

Sox adopted a little orphan lamb (Liab) and looked after him when they lived together in the house for the first month of his life.

He's now back in the field with his siblings. (Liab on the left)

A few months later, Sox adopted another lamb and started caring the little one like his own.

Photos via reddit.

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