Cat Began Cuddling Baby Sister Before She was Even Born. He Hasn't Left Her Side

Cat Began Cuddling Baby Sister Before She was Even Born. He Hasn't Left Her Side


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Pitocha the cat started cuddling his human mom's belly when she was pregnant. When he met the baby for the first time, he snuggled up to her. He has been by her side since.

Courtesy of @animalilo

Pitocha the 8 year old rescue Ragdoll found his human when he was just a kitten. He's always been a mama's kitty. When his human was pregnant, he became very attached to her.

"Pitocha was very close to me and my belly when I was pregnant," @animalilo told Love Meow. "He was all over me and wouldn't leave my belly! It was like this every day."

Courtesy of @animalilo

This is not the first time Pitocha showed such love and affection. "He did the same when I expected my first daughter, and he liked very much to sleep near the baby after."

Pitocha has been a very loving and patient babysitter to their first daughter. Now he wants to pass the same love to the new born baby.

"Since the day we came home from the clinic, he almost hasn't left her side," the mom told Love Meow.

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After the baby was born, Pitocha became her constant guard.

Courtesy of @animalilo

"This was the first time we fed our baby with a baby bottle." Pitocha was there making sure his human was doing a good job.

Courtesy of @animalilo

"I'm amazed by Pitocha's behavior," she said. He is very sweet and loving to his baby sister.

Courtesy of @animalilo

Wherever the baby is, Pitocha is there too :).

Courtesy of @animalilo

Even when she's napping, Pitocha is watching over his baby.

Courtesy of @animalilo

Guess who is there with the baby? :)

Courtesy of @animalilo

They are inseparable!

Courtesy of @animalilo

Her hand is as big as Pitocha's paw. He is watching her grow. It's a beautiful bond!

Courtesy of @animalilo

Cuddles after a meal (watch video)

A video posted by @animalilo on

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